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Text 100

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L’azienda “Text 100” si occupa di consulenza globale per quel che concerne l’ampia sezione delle pubbliche relazioni.

E’ una delle aziende leader nel settore e gode di una di rilievo a livello internazionale. Più di 30 sono infatti le filiali sparse ovunque sul territorio mondiale. Possiamo trovare sedi dell’ azienda a Auckland, Bangalore, Chennai, China, Hong Kong, Mumbai, New Delhi, Kuala Lampur, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, TaiPei, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Istanbul, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Parigi, Milano, Oslo, Stoccolma. Il gruppo vanta filiali anche nel Nord America con le sedi di Boston, New York, San Francisco, e ancora Buenos Aires, e San Paolo. L’azienda vanta la presenza di clienti di fama considerevole quali il gruppo Ebay, e i colossi American Express e Philips. Un grande traguardo è stato raggiunto dall’azienda lo scorso anno allorquando ha festeggiato i suoi primi 30anni (il suo anno di nascita risale al 1981). Innumerevoli i servizi offerti da ‘Text 100’ tra cui risaltano in primis la comunicazione aziendale, segue poi l’azione svolta nelle pubbliche relazioni, servizi di ricerche ed analisi e ancora l’ottimizzazione delle risorse e la gestione della responsabilità d’impresa. Rilevante anche l’operato sviluppato nel campo dei social network, del quale non possiamo non menzionarne l’attività di gestione e amministrazione. Per quel che riguarda il suo primo servizio, ossia la ‘comunicazione aziendale’, nello specifico il ruolo del gruppo è quello di monitorare il posizionamento del marchio sul mercato nonché la gestione della comunicazione durante i momenti di crisi e non solo. Difatti l’azienda cura anche il settore delle pubbliche relazioni per tutte quelle aziende che lavorano in ambito della tecnologia ambientale e anche nel ramo dell’ information technology, nel settore dei servizi finanziari oltre che in quello della sicurezza nell ‘IT.  Il sito web dell’industria dispone di una piattaforma molto innovativa e creativa, ma allo stesso tempo di facile utilizzo. Il focus incentrato sui componenti della grande squadra “Text 100”, consente di conoscere i volti e la professionalità di alcuni di coloro i quali operano sicuramente in una delle più importanti aziende del settore. Anche gli obbiettivi del gruppo sono ben presentati. Spiccano tra gli altri i propositi ambientali che consentono all’azienda di operare per la salvaguardia del sistema, come ad esempio utilizzo di sistemi a risparmio energetico. Ampio spazio è riservato anche alla sezione delle ‘news’ dal momento che l’intera azienda fonda gran parte del suo successo sull’importanza affidata all‘innovazione, uno dei principi guida della sua politica aziendale. La piattaforma web rappresenta senza ombra di dubbio un punto d’incontro tra l’azienda e il cliente. Ogni utente può, infatti, contattare il personale tramite i diversi indirizzi di posta elettronica presenti tra le informazioni, e suddivisi per aree geografiche. L’azienda offre molteplici opportunità di crescita al proprio personale, professando un vero e proprio credo nella competenza, professionalità e preparazione dei suoi addetti.  L’azienda pertanto è sempre alla ricerca di nuove figure. Requisiti richiesti: passione, determinazione e voglia di girare il mondo.  All’interno dell’apposita area presente nel sito tutti gli interessati potranno lasciare la propria candidatura, prendere visione delle posizioni aperte nelle varie sedi e allegare il proprio curriculum vitae al fine di entrare a far parte di un modo ricco di opportunità.

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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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Johnson Controls International

Are you interested in gaining international work experience? Then Johnson Controls could have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for people with people management experience who speak Ger...
for you
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